Patience is a Virtue! (Persuasive Essay Practice)
Welcome back! What we have here is a simple post to link you, readers, to an interesting article that I used to write a persuasive essay.
The Importance of Patience in Education
(Source: ROGERS, Richard James, The Importance of Patience in Teaching (consulted this website on November 5th, 2021), [Online], URL address:
This article explains the importance of patience in the field of education. Indeed, in order to be a great teacher, one must master many skills. However, none of them are as important as patience, as its use is frequently required in this domain. Whether it is towards students, colleagues, or even towards themselves, teachers must be able to show patience, as the job can sometimes be demanding and it can take time to obtain desired results. Therefore, it is true to say that for teachers, patience is indeed a virtue!
Patience is indeed a virtue! Imagine having to go through all these Office memes at the end of each of your posts. HA!
RépondreEffacerI'm just joking. I enjoy them. Thank you for entertaining me! :)
p.s. Great blog post and relevant article, by the way!